E-ATP 2014 – bigger and better than ever

By Sam Whatley

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So, the E-ATP conference is now over for another year, and what a busy one it was! With the highest number of delegates ever,  as well as some very interesting keynotes and product demonstrations from both our clients and other industry thought leaders, the range of topics covered across the different sessions was vast.

The varied and international nature of the speakers’ presentations certainly highlighted the importance of the main conference theme, “Employee Mobility in Europe” and the need to adapt to candidate sensitivities across boundaries. Judging by the conversations we had with many delegates, translation is an aspect of this which they are thinking about too.

We’re grateful for the help of the committees and advisory boards who helped organise the conference in Budapest, as well as to all those who stopped by our stand in the exhibition hall to “talk translation” or to pick up one of our tasty chocolates!

If you have any questions but weren’t able to attend, or just didn’t get a chance to talk to us during the breaks, then Sue Orchard, Sam Whatley and Cicek Svensson will happy to hear from you.

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