Case Study: FMCG Materials Translation

Fast Moving Consumer Goods is a sector that covers a wide variety of organisations and a multitude of tasks and Comms has worked with a very interesting selection of companies in this area.
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Health and Safety

Many of the companies in the food industry use migrant workers within their workforce.

As Health and Safety is a very important issue, it is vital for these migrant workers to understand what is required of them, as the rules and regulations in the UK will be different from those in their own countries.

Comms has translated many documents on health and safety, which are used to ensure that companies are compliant with UK H&S legislation.

Translation project

One of our clients has many workers from Portugal and Poland. We have translated all of their Health and Safety materials, with the result that their Polish and Portuguese workforce is now well versed in the rules and regulations that apply to this sector in the UK.

Because of the translation projects, they also know much more about the company that they work for.

Vitamins and Food Supplements

Another very interesting project covered vitamin products and food supplements. For our client, one of the leading providers in this area, we translated their 90-page handbook, which describes all of the products and their ingredients.

Hints & Tips

It is very important for people to have detailed information about vitamins and food supplements in their own language to see if there is any reason why they should not be using particular supplements (e.g. they may not be used if someone is pregnant).


The handbook also went into some detail about the areas and ailments in which these food supplements can be helpful. It is thus vitally important for people to be able to read about these vitamins and supplements in their own languages.

Fresh Fruit and Vegetables

We were approached by the world’s largest producer of fresh fruit, vegetables and cut flowers. This company is involved in sourcing, growing, harvesting, processing, transporting and marketing their products.

This company is expert in what they do and they approached us as the experts in what we do – translation. They believe that quality is paramount in everything that they do.

Test translation project

Our client wanted to have their web site translated into Dutch. First of all, they sent out a test to potential translation providers and they then selected Comms, based on the results of the test, to provide them with the translation of their web site into Dutch.

Hints & Tips

If you are trying out a new translation company, it is always good to test them out first with a small project.

Everyone has their own way of saying things and their own style. Even if a translation is very good, people may prefer the style of a different translator

Process steps

We first went through the whole text for translation and noted down areas, which would require localisation and adaptation for the target market.

We discussed this with our client and provided suggestions to them and we then agreed on how to localise those specific areas.


Following delivery of the translation and the publication of the web site, the client has been delighted with the results and we have since been involved in providing the translation for the regular updates to the site.


In order to help to ensure a well-trained workforce, there are a variety of NVQs (National Vocational Qualifications) in the UK that are available so that people can obtain a required qualification.

Comms has been involved in translating both questionnaires and modules from NVQs in the Food and Drink area. Some of the languages we have done in this area are Portuguese, Ukrainian, Polish, Russian, Chinese and Farsi.

Translation teams

For all of these projects, we selected native-speaker linguists from our extensive database, and these linguists offered expertise in the vocabulary of this particular subject area.

Hints & Tips

In order to ensure quality, each translation project should be translated by one linguist and then independently proofread by a second linguist. This is a requirement of the European Standard for Translation.

Working with different departments

Companies in the FMCG sector have a variety of translation and typesetting needs in many different departments:

  • Production: labelling, packaging and instructions for use
  • Marketing: web sites, brochures, exhibition materials
  • HR: training materials, job adverts, assessments, health and safety
  • Legal: contracts, tenders

Please contact us with the details of your projects and we will be happy to provide you with a quotation.

ISO-certified Translation Agency - Comms Multilingual - ATC Certification Badge