Subject Matter Expert Translation Services

Comms Multilingual has a network of Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) in different countries through whom we can provide our expert review services.
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We have a network of SMEs in a wide variety of subject areas who provide expert review services. We can involve them both at the start or at the review stages of a project, depending on your needs or the complexities of the translation required.

Ahead of the start of a translation project, SMEs can help to put together and finalise glossaries of key terms, specific to their area of expertise. They can provide definitions that will better guide the translators.

Psychometric Assessment Expert Review

We can offer the services of both clinical and I/O psychologists, depending on the assessments in question. As mentioned above, in some cases, we will carry out an expert review of the assessment prior to beginning the translation.

We use this step where there is a significant amount of material within the text that will need to be localised. Our experts will come up with suggestions as to the changes that should be made and then agree these with our clients prior to starting the translation process.

Subject Matter Expert Translation Review

One of our most popular services is the expert review of a translation once the translation and initial quality control processes have been completed.

Here, our expert reviewer will go through all the documentation and the translation from the project. They will provide a report on the translation with their recommendations for any changes they believe to be necessary in light of their experience with test and exam adaptation and in the administration of tests and exams.

Subject Matter Expert Translation Review

Assessment and Exam Translation Validation

We have a network of clinical assessment translation specialists and I/O psychologists in many countries. Our partners have been chosen for their expertise in the linguistic validation process for assessments. They are native speakers of the target language and fluent in English.

In addition, for the checking of exams, we can provide suitably qualified personnel in many countries to act as Subject Matter Expert (SME) reviewers.

Translation Legality Review

When translating/adapting a test, assessment or exam for another country, it is always a good idea for you to check that the test items are all legal and acceptable in the target country. For example, in Canada, you are not allowed to ask certain demographic questions of job applicants, as these questions may be considered discriminatory, or perhaps disclaimers may be required in certain locations (as is the case, for example, in California).

Hints & Tips for Expert Translation Reviews

When requesting the reviewing services of one of our experts, please be specific about what sort of review you would like to have. We are happy to discuss your exact requirements with you and to recommend the appropriate level of service if required.

Why choose Comms Multilingual for Expert Translation Reviews?

  • We offer a complete range of language services in the field of psychometric test or exam translation, localisation and adaptation, so that you can obtain all your requirements from one source.
  • Regardless of the subject matter, we can provide you with our expertise in that area so that you can be sure that you are dealing with people who understand your subject.
  • The translation and adaptation of exams, certifications, tests and assessments is our specialist area, so you know that you are in expert hands.
  • We are highly skilled in the management of very complex projects involving multiple services and languages, so you can trust us to deliver your projects to your specification.
  • Your reputation is of the very greatest importance to us: our expertise in this area will ensure that your reputation as leaders in your field will be maintained.
Subject Matter Expert Translation Review Meeting

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