Comms Multilingual News & Blog

Blogs on Assessments, Psychometrics, Business of Testing, Certifications, Marketing and hot topics in the global translation, localisation and language services industry.

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The impact of cultural and linguistic differences on test fairness

In an increasingly diverse and interconnected world, educational and professional assessments and exams are administered to a wide range of test-takers from diverse cultural and linguistic backgrounds. However, this diversity presents unique challenges when it comes to ensuring the security and fairness of tests. It is essential to acknowledge and address this diversity, To ensure the integrity and fairness of high-stakes testing.
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Happy Easter 2024

We wish everyone a happy and healthy Easter. We look forward to continuing our fruitful cooperation
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Relocation to Renaissance House

After 7 years in our old office, we moved to new offices in Renaissance House, Epsom, on Tuesday 16th January.
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Happy holidays and a wonderful 2024

The holidays are fast approaching, and we want to take this opportunity to sincerely thank you for your custom over the past year.
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Forward Translation and Back Translation: Do They Improve Quality?

In this post, we dive into a popular methodology employed to bridge the linguistic and cultural gaps in high-stakes assessments: forward translation and back translation.
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What Language Do They Speak in…

We've put together a list of some of the official and unofficial languages spoken around the world, categorised by country.
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