Blogs on Assessments

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The impact of cultural and linguistic differences on test fairness

In an increasingly diverse and interconnected world, educational and professional assessments and exams are administered to a wide range of test-takers from diverse cultural and linguistic backgrounds. However, this diversity presents unique challenges when it comes to ensuring the security and fairness of tests. It is essential to acknowledge and address this diversity, To ensure the integrity and fairness of high-stakes testing.
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Forward Translation and Back Translation: Do They Improve Quality?

In this post, we dive into a popular methodology employed to bridge the linguistic and cultural gaps in high-stakes assessments: forward translation and back translation.
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Assessments in the Metaverse and Non-fungible token (NFT)

The assessment industry has evolved at an exponential rate. These changes have opened new opportunities for better assessments. This year’s Association of Test Publishers (APT2022) Conference addressed the new ways of learning and technological advances. With this in mind, have you ever thought about assessment in the META Verse, the future of virtual reality?
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Overcoming digitization challenges in the credentialing industry

With the advances in technology and the effect of the pandemic, the push towards remote learning has been accelerated. The causes of these rapid changes have challenged the credentialing industry.
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Assessing and Filling Emotional Needs: EQ in the Workplace

In this guest post, Cheryl O'Donaghue takes a look at the importance of assessing emotional needs in developing emotional intelligence in the workplace.
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How Technology is Transforming Assessment: What the Future Looks Like

In this guest post, Microsoft's Liberty Munson looks at some of the ways assessments are changing, as well as their future due to advances in technology.
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