What are the advantages of translating, localising and adapting your tests?

By Sue Orchard

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graph-163712_640In previous posts, we looked at what localisation and adaptation mean and discussed whether certifications and assessments should be translated.

We will now consider the advantages that you get if you do decide to translate, localise and adapt your tests, assessments and certifications.

Common Sense Advisory is an organisation that provides research and consultancy in the translation sector. They published a comprehensive report entitled “Translation at Fortune 500 companies”. Here are some of the conclusions showing the advantages of translation:

  • Companies that invest in translation do report higher revenues
  • Organisations that translate in order to keep up with or gain an edge over their competitors enjoy increased exposure and profits over those that do not
  • Responding to domestic multicultural markets by translating also improves the financial health of organisations.

One of our clients in the professional certification sector has reported that 5-6 years ago, about 7-8% of their business was overseas. Now it is over 50% and still growing; having good translations has helped them to expand in this way.

If you adapt and localise your tests, you will reach a much wider target market and that will enhance your reputation as an organisation in the long run. Also, and very importantly, this shows that you are serious about your approach to that market and it shows that you respect your audience.

It also means that your candidates in other countries are not put at a disadvantage by having to take your test in a language that is not their native language.

earth-304437_640In terms of assessments in the clinical and I/O areas, translation, localisation and adaptation are actually vital steps which must be taken in order to ensure the acceptance and the validity of the assessment or test.

Translation should therefore always be thought of in terms of both the revenue and global reach it enables rather than just the cost it incurs. It plays a critical role in augmenting your position as a leader in your field and broadening the reach and appeal of your organisation.

Our next post in this series on localisation and adaptation will look at the area of culture and what things will need to be adapted and localised in order to be meaningful in your target market.

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